A bit of a quantum leap

A bit of a quantum leap

Usually we talk about solving real problems for our clients trying to cope with impending exponential change. Today I’ll do a bit of crystal ball gazing as It seems clear that the rate of change is, in all likelihood about to go beyond what we can reasonably chart....
Winters coming – leave your ego at the door

Winters coming – leave your ego at the door

Call me cheap – but even as an Uber convert a 4.5X surge pricing warning will always send me to the arms of another… So when it happened to me last week my only problem was remembering how to get a cab. And I’m not joking… hazy memories of calling a company,...
If it can be digitised it can be disrupted

If it can be digitised it can be disrupted

If it can be digitised it can be disrupted… The role of the consultant is two-fold. Sometime you get paid to help your client see and achieve things they don’t have the resource or experience to do… the classic hired gun lending expertise to pivot a client’s business...

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