A tale of two coffees

A tale of two coffees

I have previously written how Keurig and Nespresso  have been innovative in the development of home coffee machines, building on customer insight and building an annuity revenue stream. And while they are appealing to different customer groups there are a number of...
Are we there yet?

Are we there yet?

One question that I have been asked a few times his how long does it take before the innovation or a new business initiative starts to deliver substantial revenue.  Or the variant of this question how big can the new initiative grow to in the short term, and the...
Hollywood Disruption

Hollywood Disruption

There has been a lot of press around a service called Global Mode in recent weeks.  And it highlights just how fast the internet is changing and disrupting established business models and how consumers are changing how they consume. Background In short global mode is...
Nespresso: Making the Complex Simple

Nespresso: Making the Complex Simple

I was making a Nespresso coffee in the office the other day and realised just how much beauty, and simplicity there was in the Nespresso machine.  They made a complex process into a simple and stylish product. We all love our coffees and the morning coffee has become...
Bringing it all together

Bringing it all together

“I didn’t have time to write a short letter, so I wrote a long one instead.” Mark Twain One of the biggest stumbling blocks of getting strategy approved is not necessarily because the strategy is a bad or wrong it is that it can’t crisply and succinctly be...

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