It’s a changing world, and the pace of change is continuously accelerating. The way people do business, and the ways in which they buy and sell, have changed. Ignoring these developments could be a costly mistake. And the world of retail presents a classic example of...
They say that January 19 is the fateful day that people start to give up on their New Year’s resolution. In some respects I have done better, I have lasted 67 days. But truth be told I have only really lasted two blogs. That’s right, you gave me a New Year’s...
Looking back 15 years, boy did we have it all, we thought we were unbeatable. We had we had all the users, 100% penetration in the developed world. End billing relationship with the customer. Ubiquitous ‘out of the box’ connectivity to anyone in the world. Roaming...
It’s a pretty sobering fact that 90% of start up’s are going to fail. The good news then is that one in ten succeeds. That said, these are close to the odds that you get at a casino, and at least at the casino, you walk in knowing you are likely going to lose. Even...
Last week I denied being an Amazon fanboy, however, I will put my hand up and say I’m definitely am a Tim Ferriss fanboy, and those that often read this blog will know I listen to a lot of his podcasts and read all his books. I had a double delight this week...