What are you going to do when Amazon runs wild on you

What are you going to do when Amazon runs wild on you

I don’t want to come across as an Amazon fanboy but I have covered them a few times (here, here, here, here, here – actually there here’s the whole list), and this week is no different.   Over the past few months I have been talking to a few Retailers about...
Why giving more choices is NOT good for your customer

Why giving more choices is NOT good for your customer

Throughout my career, working with both large and small companies, there is always one bit of customer research feedback that can lead the business down the wrong path.  Customer research will tell you that customers want choice, so this starts you thinking you need...
Time to catch the wave – 2018 Internet Trends Report

Time to catch the wave – 2018 Internet Trends Report

The Mary Meeker KPCB Report on Internet Trends has long been the number one source reference for anyone interested in finding out how the internet is changing business and consumer behaviour.   If you’ve been following this blog for a while, you’ll know that I’ve also...
Retail: Real Issues

Retail: Real Issues

It’s a changing world, and the pace of change is continuously accelerating. The way people do business, and the ways in which they buy and sell, have changed. Ignoring these developments could be a costly mistake. And the world of retail presents a classic example of...

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