
Let’s look at the PACT Model for B2B marketing success

The other day I was talking to one of my new clients. They were in the market for finding an external marketing partner. They’re a big data solutions provider. They offer a great solution to complex business challenges and they are trusted with their...

I promise you, your buyer’s journey isn’t what you expect

Sales and marketing should work together. It’s fundamental. They should map out and understand the buyer’s journey – together. Why? Because your buyer’s journey is much more complex than most marketers think. Assuming a simplistic buyer’s journeys for complex...

How can you increase your customers’ lifetime value?

All roads lead to Rome, but only four to growing a business. Winning new customers. Getting customers to spend more. Getting customers to spend more frequently. If you have been following Market Fit for a while, you know that these are the three levers of growth by...

How do you get customers to spend more frequently?

If you have been following me for a while, you know I am a big fan of Jay Abraham’s three ways to grow a business.  So much so, I believe there is actually a fourth way.   But I also see a problem.   He doesn’t unpack what’s underneath...

An unhappy customer will tell 15 friends.

An unhappy customer will tell 15 friends yet, A happy customer will only tell six. Do you know what your customers think of your business, product or service? Do you focus on fixing what is making them unhappy? Do you accentuate the positive? Do you create raving...

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