Time to catch the wave – 2018 Internet Trends Report

Time to catch the wave – 2018 Internet Trends Report

The Mary Meeker KPCB Report on Internet Trends has long been the number one source reference for anyone interested in finding out how the internet is changing business and consumer behaviour.   If you’ve been following this blog for a while, you’ll know that I’ve also...
Stop dealing in facts and remember you’re the product

Stop dealing in facts and remember you’re the product

There is a lot of press around Cambridge Analytica and their possible impact on the US election and Brexit. Don’t worry I’m not going to talk politics, but I have been fascinated in watching this all unfold and there are three marketing insights that I have picked up...
Top 10 insights from Mary Meeker’s 2016 report

Top 10 insights from Mary Meeker’s 2016 report

I should have done this two weeks ago Digging into Mary Meeker’s 2016 Internet Trends report (thus thoughtfully saving you a 213 page trawl through its content), I initially saw material for three blogs. The one you’ve just started was originally first cab off the...
So it is all rosy for the digital guys then?

So it is all rosy for the digital guys then?

Last week we tapped a couple of highlights from the 213 page Mary Meeker 2016 Internet Trends report, zeroing in on the pain still to come for TV and print media. If traditional media is up against it, there’s a temptation to assume things will be commensurately rosy...
Facebook a Publishers frenemie

Facebook a Publishers frenemie

Publishers have a love/hate relationship with large digital platforms such as Google, Twitter and Facebook. While publishers love that these platforms provide audience and traffic, they also hate that the platforms reap financial rewards against content they haven’t...

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