Has your email changed?
The eagle-eyed amongst you may have noticed that my email has changed. Why is that, you ask? The short story is I have two business email addresses, kursten@theexponential.agency and kursten@site-9918891.woop.host, and I wanted to consolidate them into one, so I...

Deals and Your Customers – The ABCs of Selling
Smart ways for deals to keep your prospects engaged.

C is for Consistency. And a few other things… The ABCs of Selling
Consistency, customers and conversions Our next stop on the ABCs of Selling is C. C for Consistency. But of course, C also stands for Customer and Conversion. So in this piece I want to take a look at what consistency means, and how consistency delivers more customers...

Always Be Visible – The ABCs of Selling
The third of our five part series on the ABCs of Selling introduces us to “B”.

Adding Value – The ABCs of Selling
You’ll hear a lot of people talk these days about “adding value”. But if you listen carefully, very few understand what that means. To really “get” adding value, you need to look at two things.

The ABC’s of Selling
Here’s my take on how we can use the ABC of Selling acronym, how to engage and start to win customers or add value to the customer’s life.

Transform your business with my five biggest mistakes
Business owners have one thing in common. Time. Or more specifically, a complete lack of time for growth.

Living Your Personal Purpose: The Secret to Being a Great Leader
One of the things that struck me when I began thinking about personal purpose is that it’s not something you can wrap up in borrowed catchphrases. It’s not about your job; it’s about you and what’s unique about you.

Getting your share? E-commerce is growing 13x over bricks and mortar
E-commerce spend in NZ is tracking at 8.1% of total retail spend and is growing 13x that of retail spend. Worryingly international spend sits at approx. 1/3 of all NZ e-commerce spend and is currently growing faster than domestic spend

Technology: The Workforce of the Future Part 3
We already rely on technology for a lot of basics that had to be done by hand just a decade or two ago. What tasks will technology take over next?