I’m back…… Refreshed, revitalised and ready for 2018.
With a new year, there are always new predictions, new challenges and new opportunities. Here are the 12 things I’m watching with interest …

One to ponder over the break – your job as a leader
Your job as a leader

Seriously you want me to come back?
How retailer pushed too hard on efficiency, which ended up wrecking the customer experience. You need to balance, the five c’s, the customer, commercials, competition, capability and capacity of the business.

I might have my dates wrong but it doesn’t matter
With Amazon opening in Australia this week being the best in NZ isn’t good enough now, we are competing with the best in the world. They are on our doorstep, are you ready?

But if is free how do they make money?
When OTT players offer their service for free how do they expect to make money?

How I (unwittingly) aided and abetted the enemy
How we fought the SMS battles but lost the messaging war. While the incumbents fought over old products new players rode on top of their networks (OTT player) for free and built a whole new system. While we were fighting against ourselves with last century’s weapons we were helping the real competition get strong

The disruption survival guide
The tide of digital disruption keeps on coming. Here we explore some practical things you can do to face and harness the waves.

Tertiary education not required
The Exponential Agency along with more than 100 other NZ businesses and organisations has put its support behind this initiative to change the conversation around what we define as ‘talent’. We believe this is important in order to recognise that rapidly changing consumer behaviours and technology is redefining what ‘talent’ looks like in the marketplace.

We recently asked our readers what they would like to hear more of and the key themes were disruption and innovation: understanding the two sides of the same coin. Is it a threat or is it an opportunity, and transformation.

Sorry but 90% of you aren’t going to make it
It’s a pretty sobering fact that 90% of start up’s are going to fail. The good news then is that one in ten succeeds. Even more sobering is the fact that it takes time die – 20 months after getting funding