Don’t get caught in the middle

Don’t get caught in the middle

I’ve been rebuilding the Generator website over the last few weeks. It’s been great, the site itself is simple, but it’s given me some good insight. Enough in fact to deliver three blogs. This week, something we all should avoid – the saggy middle… or custom versus...
Beware of the ‘sample of one’

Beware of the ‘sample of one’

A few months back I found myself sitting in the offices of one of the country’s market leading companies, surrounded by clever people, in a proposition development meeting featuring a potentially ground-breaking product. There was a problem. All our decision making...
The psychology of popcorn pricing

The psychology of popcorn pricing

Judging by last week’s click throughs a lot of you found popcorn pricing interesting. This week I thought we’d go a little deeper, and spend some time looking at the psychologies underpinning “popcorn”. Popcorn pricing Movie time means choices… your film selection,...
Marketing Your Practice

Marketing Your Practice

What we have been doing up to now has been essentially an internal process. We have examined the value chain and how to climb it. We have bundled and priced our services, and we have switched to a fixed price or value based pricing. These are all largely internal...
The best career advice I would give my millennial twin

The best career advice I would give my millennial twin

I spend a lot of time writing on things close to my heart. Take a look atGenerator Consulting, and the categories my posts are grouped under – the subjects I’ve covered range across the board and reflect me pretty well. Dig a little deeper though, and you see the...

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