They got the power

They got the power

Last week we took a look at the impact millennials are having in the workforce, where they are now dominant. This week I promised we’d look at their rise as customers. And more specifically, what this means for your business. Before that it’s worth a quick primer on...
Caught in a trap.

Caught in a trap.

My name is Kursten and I have a confession to make… Once upon a time I was a very, very, very, busy corporate citizen. My day would start with a meeting, followed by a meeting, followed by a meeting. Followed by some fire fighting, followed by a meeting. By 10AM I was...
If it can be digitised it can be disrupted

If it can be digitised it can be disrupted

If it can be digitised it can be disrupted… The role of the consultant is two-fold. Sometime you get paid to help your client see and achieve things they don’t have the resource or experience to do… the classic hired gun lending expertise to pivot a client’s business...
Six Stages of Exponential Growth

Six Stages of Exponential Growth

In the last week I’ve been hooked on a fantastic new book – Bold: How to Go Big, Create Wealth and Impact the World. Demonstrating the impact technology is having on change (and how technology-driven change can only continue to increase) the book has really...
Are you really adding value?

Are you really adding value?

We live in exciting times for business. Digital is creating disruption across the board, leading some businesses to adapt and flourish while others (at best) manage their decline or simply wither and die. So far in this blog I’ve looked at what this means for an...

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